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The Financial Burden That is Higher Education: Part One

As early as I can remember I was told: You are going to college. You are getting an education. You must have these things to succeed in life. And in my parent's defense, that was the world they grew up in. Opportunities they didn't have by not going to a four-year institution, that to get some of those doors to open for her, my mother had to manage to be a wife, mother, and all around bad ass and go to evening school.  In grade school I did very well. Schooling always came so easy to me that basically I would read the chapter in the book, listen and take notes in class, then reread before an exam and that was it. I stored the information to take the test, passed things with (relatively) flying colors, and didn't need to try much. I also had the stigma of community college . I saw the people I grew up with that went there. There was no shame in them being there, it was a fine place to learn things, but I was DETERMINED to go to a four-year school, live away from my fa

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